List of mafia boss Films

Raw Deal

Raw Deal

Mark Kaminsky is kicked out of the FBI for his rough treatment of a suspect. He winds up as the sheriff of a small town in North Carolina. FBI Chief Harry Shannon, whose son has been killed by a mobster named Patrovina, enlists Kaminsky in a personal vendetta with a promise of reinstatement into the FBI if Patrovina is taken down. To accomplish this, he must go undercover and join Patrovina's gang.



Campania. La piaga della Camorra sembra travolgere ogni cosa, ogni persona, nei paesi più poveri, dove il territorio è spartito tra i clan al prezzo di vite spezzate da chi non da loro alcun valore. Senza distinzione d'età, tutti diventano vittime e carnefici del Sistema: i bambini che si arruolano nell'esercito dei clan, i giovani che sognano la scalata al potere, le mogli dei boss costrette in casa, gli anziani "sottomarini" che consegnano il denaro alle famiglie dei camorristi finiti in carcere. Potere, soldi e sangue macchiano in maniera indelebile questa Gomorra, la speranza s'è persa altrove.

Analyze This

Analyze This

Countless wiseguy films are spoofed in this film that centers on the neuroses and angst of a powerful Mafia racketeer who suffers from panic attacks. When Paul Vitti needs help dealing with his role in the "family," unlucky shrink Dr. Ben Sobel is given just days to resolve Vitti's emotional crisis and turn him into a happy, well-adjusted gangster.

Romeo Is Bleeding

Romeo Is Bleeding

A corrupt cop gets in over his head when he tries to assassinate a beautiful Russian hit-woman.